Monday, May 20, 2013

Wonderful happy mail day!

Firstly, this arrived from Janet Store. Super quick postage!

The two postcards in this lot are part of a letter puzzle being sent to me by Deb in the UK. She's written a letter, but over the stretch of a handful of postcards. I wonder if she posted them on the same day?! Anyone, two of them arrived today. It's rather exciting waiting for the next installment...

The rest of my mail today

Two of the letters that arrived today were from Marge in the Philippines.
I just adore her mail because she puts such lovely things in them! I'm going to have to SMASHbook a couple of these items I think :)

WE don't get these cute things in Australia.

Package number 2!!!! So kind :) Thankyou Marge! Mail will come to you very soon.

This makes up for last week, I suppose, when I didn't have much in the way of mail at all!!!
Good things come to those who wait :)

Happy mailing.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to make your letters a little more special...

Are you someone who likes to write letters, but doesn't know how to make them a little more exciting or special?  Here's an idea to get you motivated...

For starters, instead of using plain paper, why don't you cut out a long strip or scrapbooking paper, fold it into three...
I snipped the corners off to create a scalloped effect when it's folded out.

I also put washi tape along the edge to create a border. Now get writing!

Flip your paper over to the patterned side and have a think about what your recipient likes.
I'm writing to Tasha for the first time through and her profile says she likes Dystopian and Lyrical novels.  So I thought I'd write down some recommendations of my own.

Instead of just writing straight onto the patterned paper, why don't you use some tags, or cut out rectangles of different coloured paper to write on, then stick it on?

I traced around the edges with black texta to create a bolder effect

When your paper is folded up, you'll want something nice on the front, yes?
Tasha likes feathers, so I searched through my sticker stash until I found something she would like, and stuck it on the front, again tracing around it with a thin black liner.

I added a bit of coloured twine around the paper, just for kicks!

What else can we do to make it extra special for Tasha?  
I made a little pouch for the letter to go into, and added her name on the front with alphabet stickers.  I couldn't find another matching 'A' for *cough* we'll shorten her name to Tash for today :)
At this stage, you can add further stickers, tape, borders....anything really. You could even tuck a blank postcard inside, or a photo.

Try to compliment the colours you are already working with.

Right, now for how we are going to send it.  I don't want it to be damaged during the post from Australia to America, so I'll wrap it in something.  Tasha likes herbs, so I found this page that I tore our of Frankie Magazine.

I did a simple wrap of the letter, and popped another feather sticker on the end.  It's one that will easily peel off in case Tasha wants to use the paper for her own craft.

Pop it in an envelope (I've only used a plain one here, but you can make something really creative if you like).

Remember to write clearly, and use the correct postage.

Seal her up and you're done!

A bit of washi tape never goes astray. Don't forget your return address!

And there you have it. Make the recipient of your letter smile by doing something a little different. It will be worth it when they get it and send you an' OMG!' text or email :)

Happy mail should be happy!  Get creative and do something different for your mailouts this week!

Click here to follow me on Instagram to see more of my mail that gets sent out.

Have you had a good happy mail week?

I'm running out of imagination for Post Titles.  Because really, it's just more and more happy mail photos. What to say?
This is what I've sent off this week.  As for what has come in....sadface. Nothing really worth showing.

The owl and the pussycat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat...

These three items going off for the Postal Society Swaps on swapbot

These five going off for my Week of Letters swap on swapbot

Meet Sakura. Isn't she cute??

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A week of beautiful mail in photos. May.

The oh so annoying thing about the ipad, is that it's not very blogger friendly.
I can't comment on posts, I have to go to my normal laptop for that. And it's very hard just to read through people's recent updates. Very frustrating. Even with the app, it's only designed for updating your own blog (basically, very basic) and that's it.

Regardless, I have been reading your posts, just not commenting has much as I would like to because the majority of my Internet surfing is now done on the ipad.

Here are some recent mail photos for you.

Some postcards going out

A most awesome package from Marge through a private swapbot swap.

A beautiful peacock card I got from
Is the first thing I received from that website!!!

Now, how gorgeous is this paper? Note the inside pattern of the envelope too.

A package I made up to send for my trinket swap on swapbot.
Going ooff to Alice in Malaysia tomorrow

I also had a handful of letters and postcards that I mailed at the end of last week, and forgot to take a photo of.  I've been very busy spending a fortune on postage. 

My week of Letters swap starts this week, and there is a large handful of people who have joined and have been matched up. These swaps are very popular and I'm happy for it. I already wrote to Steffi in Germany tonight, but won't post until the end of the week so it goes out with all the weeks letters for this swap.

Hope everyone is having some happy mailbox days! 
As usual, you can find me more frequently on Instagram and twitter as olivewasabi, so see you over there.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sending out some surprise and random mail

I am absolutely loving
Being able to send something to someone you don't know is exciting, especially when it is something you know they will enjoy.

Here is some sendy goodness that's gone out recently...