Monday, January 7, 2013

#Lettermo = Letter Month

I discovered Lettermo the other day and since, I have been seeing it all over Twitter, Facebook, Swapbot...everywhere.  Basically, it's the challenge to send a letter for every day in February that the post runs.
Cool huh?

The idea is to take the time every day and write a letter or note to someone and post it.
In addition, other people taking part in this challenge are asking for your details so they can send you a letter too.  Want a letter from me in February? Go here and fill in the details.


  1. This challenge is absolutely right up your alley! I see you're also doing the 50 book challenge this year, too! :-)

    1. It is, isn't it! I can't believe I didn't know about it until a couple of days ago. And because I've met a few people online who are also doing it, it looks as though I will also recieve quite a few letters myself. :)

      And yes - after 2 years of not doing it, I'm committing yet again to the 50 book challenge for 2013.

  2. So cool! I'd love a letter if you get around to it... My b-day is in February! :D

    I don't think I can do lettermo (too busy next minth) but it's a wonderful idea.
