Saturday, February 2, 2013

Letter Number 8 for Lettermo - Hello Spain!

Officially, this is letter number 8! Yup, I'm ahead! But only because I know that I have a busy week and a half coming up soon and I don't want to fall behind. Better to post out more than i need than not enough, yes?

Here is the list so far (and there are 19 postal days in February for Australia)

1. Ella & Riley (Australia)
2. Debbi L (UK)
3. Mum (Australia)
4. Ebony I (Australia)
5. Anna S (Finland)
6. Kristin J (Norway)
7. Sara E (USA)
8. Claudia BG (Spain)

So as you can see, I have a mixed bag of locations happening.

Claudia, keep an eye out for your Queen of Hearts envelope in the mail!

A cool envelope, a kitty letter and a treat for Claudia

1 comment:

  1. So it's okay not to send it on the exact day? I guess I thought to literally about it. ;)
    Nice envies!
