The last couple of days has gotten me wondering if (at the age of 32) I've left ANY kind of impression on the world and people around me at all. Have I changed anyones life? Does someone think about me as a fond memory? Or am I forgotten as soon as I walk out the door?
I discovered yesterday (through an absolute mishap might I add) that the High School I attended during the 90's is hosting a Performing Arts night for Alumni students of the 90s.
As soon as I saw it I thought...."what?", because I had no clue it was even on. And I had a moment where I had a (perhaps slightly ridiculous)moment of why-wasn't-I-told.
Well, it's simple.
You see, I had a musical arts scholarship for the entire time I was at the school, which paid for half of my fees.
And so, was I wrong to assume that since I had a MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP during this time that I might be involved or at least invited to a Performing Arts regroup?
I went to the facebook page (yes, they made one) and saw they had some photos.
Oh, I thought. Perhaps I'll be in a photo!
Alas Alas.
Strangely and absurdly I was disappointed and annoyed and had a 'centre of the world' moment. You see, I THOUGHT that perhaps I had left a larger impression.
I thought that people MIGHT remember me.
I thought that the bloody hard work I had to put into every concert, musical and singing event might be remembered. Because to be honest, I had to work hard to keep a scholarship and get good results.
Actually, my music was so serious that in the last two years of schooling I learnt from a concert pianist.
So yes, I'm surprised that I'm not performing. Or invited. Or pictured.
I'm disappointed that I don't 'exist' in the memory of these people.
I was different back then though I guess. Quiet, no confidence.
The pictures that are posted are of the popular group of people mainly. That irks me too. That a lot of people who have next to no talent are pictured there because they looked cute in a musical costume. But I'm just having a bitch and sound jaded. Back to the point.
What impression have YOU made on the world?
Do you think you HAVE made an impression on people?
Do you think you have been remembered, or forgotten?
Because I'm feeling a little like a ghost at the moment. A little like I never existed. Like that hard work was nothing. It's not a pleasant feeling. And I know I'm making this all about me when in fact the purpose of the gala is to raise money for children in Bangaladesh but still.
Just. Meh.
I kind of want to be remembered. And I never thought about it until now.